Steam will not download workshop mods
Steam will not download workshop mods

steam will not download workshop mods steam will not download workshop mods

Activating or deactivating mods requires RimWorld to restart. Once you have installed mods, you can select the Mods option from the main menu of RimWorld to activate them. ~/.steam/steam/steamapps/common/RimWorld/Mods Library/Application/Support/Steam/steamapps/common/RimWorld This location varies by operating system:Ĭ:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\RimWorld\Mods You can install mods manually by unzipping them into subfolders within your local Mods folder. You can use tools such as RimPy to download and install mods from Steam Workshop and GitHub instead. Steam Workshop automates the process of downloading and installing mods, as well as keeping them up to date with new releases.Įven if you do not own RimWorld on Steam, Workshop can still be used to discover new mods while some mods are released on Nexus Mods, no other mod site has close to the same amount of mods available. If you own RimWorld on Steam, then the easiest way of finding and downloading mods is by using Steam Workshop.

Steam will not download workshop mods